“Everyone Together with Jesus”
Our Mission statement at St Joseph’s encompasses our ethos and values:
Inspired by Jesus, we grow closer to God through prayer and worship. We always do our best and show respect, love and care for everyone.
Welcome from the Headteacher
Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. We hope the information provided will give you an understanding of our school.
I am delighted to be the Headteacher of this wonderful school, filled with learning, friendship and laughter, where everyone feels happy, valued and safe.
We aspire to equip our children with the skills, curiosity and resilience to become life long learners and ensuring they are all able to achieve and succeed.
Our children are nurtured and educated from their first day, until they leave us for the next stage of their educational journey. We believe that we can only achieve the best for our children through developing close partnerships between home, school, parish and the local community.
We are proud of our school and we hope that your association with us is a long and happy one.
We hope that our website provides a small glimpse and flavour of life at St Joseph’s if you require further information please contact the office by emailing stjoseph@knowsley.gov.uk.
Ms P McIlroy
12th June 2024-Skateboarding workshops for Y1 to Y6.
14th June 2024-Special police constable Hazel’s workshop on fingerprints Y1 & Y2
18th June 2024-KS2 Sports Day—9:10 start
19th June 2024-Y6 Judo session on staying safe
20th June 2024-EYS & KS1 Sports Day—9:20 start
24th June 2024-Class photos
25th June 2024-New Reception starters (2024) Reception Meeting 2pm
27th June 2024-Y5 Good Shepherd Mass at the Cathedral am
27th June 2024-Special constable Hazel workshop on Anti-Social Behaviour Y6
1st July 2024-Week beginning
1/7/24 Y3 swimming Mon-Thur
8th July 2024-Week beginning
8/7/24 Y3 swimming Mon—Thur
17th July 2024-Y6 Leavers Mass 9:10 (Parents welcome)
18th July 2024-Prize Giving Assembly 2pm
19th July 2024-Y6 Leavers Assembly 9:15 (Parents welcome)
24th July 2024-Finish for summer 1:30
24th July 2024-Y6 Finish for Summer 1:40
Please be aware that changes may be necessary due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible.