School Policies
There are many organisations set up to provide you or your child with advice should you need it. Here are just some of the organisations that can help you:
Childline and O2: have teamed up to offer a free helpline for parents for any queries you may have regarding online activity, this could just be simple queries about online gaming or parental controls. The free phone number is 0808 800 5002.
ChildLine: Call 0800 1111
NSPCC: Call 0808 800 5000
Samaritans: Call 116 123
Bullying UK: Call 0808 800 2222
Report Harmful Content: Reporting centre designed to assist everyone in reporting harmful content online.
Internet Watch Foundation: You can report sexual images of under 18s online directly to the Internet Watch Foundation.
CEOP: If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating online.
Useful Links
Anti-bullying Alliance – They have advice and information for children, parents and carers.
BullyBusters – To find more, or for help and advice, visit their website.
Childnet – Giving information and advice about e-safety and how to report abuse.
Digizen – Giving Internet Social Networking Advice and guidence for young people, parents and teachers
Hectors World – Game for children giving advice on how to be safe online
Parent Info – An excellent esafety website. It also has a link to children’s language and their abbreviations, it makes for interesting reading and all parents should be aware of the common ones.
Parent Zone – a not-for-profit organisation, offers Parents information to help understand the digital world and raise resilient children
Share Aware – Informing parents about social networks and the potential risks for children
The Dangers of Selfies – Video aimed at parents highlighting the dangers of taking ‘selfies’
Think u Know – A website for parents, children and teachers with games and information about e-safety.
UK Safer Internet Centre – parent/Carer support
Parents’ Guides
eSafety Parents Letter
Your child’s online world: A guide for parents
Speak Out, Stay Safe with Buddy: school council pack
Share Aware
A Parents Guide to Cyberbullying
A Parents Guide to Facebook
A Parents Guide to Google+
A Parents Guide to Instagram
A Parents Guide to Snapchat
Digital Parenting