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Sacramental Preparation

Children in Year 4 are prepared for First Communion and Reconciliation by the parish, following a tailored programme that allows parents, children and  parish to work together in developing their understanding of the sacraments, in conjunction with regular Mass attendance.

Through the Religious Education Curriculum in school, clear links are made to the Sacramental preparation, and at celebrations throughout the year, School and Parish come together to support the children and their families.


The Sacrament of RECONCILIATION (First Confession) will be celebrated with the children on the day of the Holy Communion rehearsal at church (St Agnes & St Aidan’s) .  Parents are invited to this short service and will be informed of the date and time once it has been confirmed.


The Sacrament of the EUCHARIST (First Holy Communion) will be celebrated with the children and their families as a whole class together at St Agnes and St Aidan.  The First Communion Programme is run through St. Agnes & St. Aidan Church, Huyton.Our Year 4 pupils are invited to apply to take part each year in the preparation programme for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

The church will liaise with parents and families through school, as well as posting information in the Parish Newsletter, website and social media platforms.

We encourage you to attend Mass regularly, as this is the very best preparation for the sacrament. There are also lots of opportunities to get involved in parish life; please make enquiries at the church if you are interested. 

The children will be making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 17th May 2025 at 12:30pm

A meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th January 2025 for all parents – letters will be sent out closer to the date containing time etc.

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