Our Patron Saint
Saint Joseph was the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. He was a very good and patient man. Even though he never speaks in the Bible, Saint Joseph was a man of action. When God told him in a dream that it was okay to marry Mary, and when God told him to go to Egypt to save Jesus from Herod, Saint Joseph listened. He always obeyed God even though he did not always understand.
Through his love and care for Jesus and Mary, Saint Joseph showed his love for God. Because he trusted God, Saint Joseph allowed Him to work in his life. Trusting God can be very hard, especially when we cannot see how our story will end or why God is asking us to do something. We can pray to Saint Joseph to help us trust God just as he did.
What are some facts about Saint Joseph?
- Joseph was a carpenter.
- He worked hard to provide for his family.
- Although Joseph is referred to in the Bible, he doesn’t actually speak any words.
- He’s also known as Saint Joseph of Nazareth.
- Saint Joseph is the patron saint of many countries including Mexico, Canada, Belgium, China, Korea and Austria.
- Saint Joseph was chosen to be a saint by Saint Teresa of Avila to watch over her order of the Carmelite Sisters.
- Joseph is associated with the symbol of the carpenter’s square to represent his trade.
- Joseph is also linked with the lily, which represents purity and his marriage to Mary.
- Saint Joseph has special significance in Sicily, as people believe he prevented famine ravaging the region in the Middle Ages.
What is Saint Joseph the patron saint of?
Saint Joseph is the patron saint of many things not just our school, he is also the patron saint of fathers, pregnant mothers, immigrants, travellers, carpenters and working people.
Feast Day
The feast day of Saint Joseph is on March 19th. This date was passed down through the years and formalised by Rome in the 15th century. It was officially added to the Roman calendar in 1621.
Some believe it’s the date of Joseph’s death but there’s no written evidence.
St. Joseph’s Day is celebrated in many different ways across the world. It’s also known as the Feast of Saint Joseph.
The date is always the same, unlike Lent or Easter.
- The colour of celebration for St. Joseph’s Day is red.
- In Italy, St. Joseph’s Day is marked by holding a special mass. A vast array of items are brought to the altar of the church, such as flowers, candles, bread and limes. There are also foods that contain breadcrumbs, to represent the sawdust of Joseph’s trade.
- In Spain, the emphasis is on Saint Joseph’s role as a father, with the day known as El Día del Padre (the Day of the Father). Children will cook for their father. As the festival is during Lent, the meals don’t have meat in them. People also go to church to mass.
- In Poland, meat-free delicacies are prepared for the Feast of Saint Joseph, such as filled dumplings with cheese and potato (pierogi).
School Prayer
Dear Saint Joseph,
Teach me and look after me, just as you looked after Jesus.
Help us to be the best
that we can be,
to live and grow together
as one school.