Welcome to the Reception webpage, we hope this page gives you all of the information about Reception that you need. If you would like information about anything else please do not hesitate to contact Miss Fitzpatrick & Mrs Lavender.
Spring Term in Reception
We will be reading Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke and learning to:
- Continue a rhyming string
- Hear and say the initial sound in words
- Segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and know which letters represent some of them
- Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet
- Read and understand simple sentences
- Enjoy an increasing range of books
- Read some common irregular words
- Begin to break the flow of speech into words
- Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence
- Write labels and captions
- Attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts
- Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sound
- Spell some irregular common words
- Phase 3: Sets 7- 8
We will also be reading non-fiction texts about transport, vehicles and London, and exploring the world of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.
Children will continue to bring home a reading for pleasure book and nursey rhyme each week, and phonics books will be allocated.
- Number bonds within 5
- Numbers to 10
- Comparing Numbers within 10
We will be further developing our understanding and sense of numbers to 10 by counting objects and people, sorting vehicles, and using coins to pay fares.
- Local Church
- Eucharist
- Lent/Easter
- Islam
We will be studying topics related to ‘Celebrating, ‘Gathering’, and ‘Growing’.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will be learning vehicle and transport songs and rhymes, painting with vehicles and junk modelling various vehicles and modes of transport.
Understanding the World
We will be developing our understanding of the world by exploring our school environment to observe seasonal changes, investigating objects that float or sink, and learning about celebrating Chinese New Year.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We will be discussing the importance of apologising, thinking about helping others and the people who help us, and considering what to do when we are feeling lonely and scared.
We will be developing our gymnastic skills focuses on bouncing, jumping and landing.
We will be having our first look at computational thinking and coding.
Living in the Wider World
We will be thinking about belonging to a community, considering issues related to media and digital literacy, and exploring the world of money and work.