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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 webpage, we hope this page gives you all of the information about Year 4 that you need. If you would like information about anything else please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Finnen & Mrs Brown.

Spring Term in Year 4


We will be reading Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit and learning to: use a variety of verb forms correctly, organise paragraphs by theme and use adverbials for cohesion; and punctuate direct speech correctly, using dialogue to show the relationship between characters.

We will also be reading non-fiction texts about volcanoes, Ancient Rome, the eruption of Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii, and reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty.


  • Multiplication and Division
  • Measurement – area
  • Fractions including decimals

We will be deepening our understanding of multiplication and division; measuring area, and learning more about fractions including decimals.


  • States of Matter
  • Animals including Humans

We will be exploring the different states of matter, learning about the functions of teeth and the digestive system within the human body, and constructing more complex food chains.


  • Local Church
  • Eucharist
  • Lent/Easter
  • Islam

We will be studying topics related to ‘Community’, ‘Giving and Receiving’, and ‘Self-Discipline’ as well as learning about Islam.

Art & Design

Exploring Patterns

We will be exploring how we can use colour, line and shape to create patterns, including repeating patterns.



We will be continuing our study of volcanoes around the world.


Roman Britain

We will be learning about the Roman Empire’s invasion and occupation of Britain and about the lasting impact on Britain today.


Fake or Real

We will be looking at information online and considering how to assess reliability.


Connecting Notes and Feelings

We will be exploring creating and expressing emotions in music.

Design and Technology


We will be learning about building mechanisms and applying graphic design skills when making our own books.



We will be developing our gymnastics skills focusing on linking movements.


Living in the Wider World

We will be thinking about belonging to a community, considering issues related to media and digital literacy, and exploring the world of money and work.


What’s the Date?

We will be expanding our Spanish vocabulary to include language relating dates and developing our understanding of Spanish phonetics and pronunciation.

Curriculum information


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