Welcome to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Our Mission Statement
Everyone Together with Jesus
Inspired by Jesus, we grow closer to God through prayer and worship. We always do our best and show respect, love and care for everyone.
School Aims
- To be inspired by Jesus.
- To enable all members of the school family to reach their full potential
- To work in partnership with parents, parish, local and wider community
We hope that your time with us will be happy and rewarding. At St. Joseph’s we take great pride in creating a warm welcoming school. Whilst your child is with us, we shall do everything we can to help him or her develop his or her potential and ensure that the school is a happy and stimulating place.
St. Joseph’s was judged to be outstanding in all areas during two recent inspections. The school is situated in an excellent position, close to the Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park. This offers opportunities for our pupils to take part in a variety of sporting activities including swimming and BMX riding. Our pupils have also attended a range of cultural activities including pantomimes, plays and musical performances.
If you would like to visit and see at first hand all that the school has to offer please contact us and make an appointment.
You can contact the school via email using stjoseph@knowsley.gov.uk or by phone on 0151 477 8990.
Please ask for Mrs D. Ely.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school website, then please contact us and we can provide this free of charge.
Summer Term Dates 2020
Friday, 17th April Staff training day
school closed
Monday, 20th April
Term begins
Friday, 8th May
Bank Holiday
25th May – 4th June
Half Term
Friday, 5th June Staff training day
school closed
Thursday, 16th July
School closes for Summer
Friday, 17th July
Staff training day – school closed
News & Events
Year 6 had the best attendance this week. Well done!!!
Year 5 had the best punctuality this week. Well done!!!