We aim to guide and support all pupils in gaining a comprehensive understanding of their own personal, social, health and economic needs and responsibilities. Children will develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence that enables them to appreciate the importance of respecting themselves and others and knowing how to keep themselves safe, happy and healthy.
We utilise the PSHE Association scheme and accredited resources, alongside the Archdiocese’s ‘Journey in Love’ scheme to teach all aspects of personal, social, health and economic education, including all statutory relationships, health and sex education.
This is further supplemented by the No Outsiders: all different, all welcome scheme, which focuses on understanding and respecting the protected characteristics of the Equality Act, and additional sessions relating to mental and physical well-being, which are planned and delivered in response to the particular needs of our children.
Links are also made with other curriculum areas, such as Science and Computing, to help children know how to keep themselves physical and emotional well and safe from harm, both in the real and virtual worlds. Children are supported in developing their understanding, at the appropriate age, of risks including: when using technology, the internet, and risks associated with grooming and radicalisation, gang and criminal exploitation and misusing drugs and alcohol. Children also learn about road safety, anti-bullying and how to seek support when needed.
The impact for all St Joseph’s pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, is that they:
- show understanding of how to maintain their own physical and mental well-being
- can openly and confidently talk about their own physical and emotional well-being
- are aware but not intimidated by potential risks they may face and know how to keep themselves safe and access help and support when needed