Early Years
The teaching of Science at St Joseph’s begins in Reception through the Understanding of the World. Based on the requirements of the EYFS framework and guided by Development Matters, children start to explore the natural world around them, making observations and identifying similarities and differences.
These personal experiences begin to develop the children’s curiosity, awe and wonder and these are the building blocks for the children knowledge and skills as they move into the Year 1 Science Curriculum and beyond.
Curriculum Design and Progression
At St Joseph’s, we aim to equip all pupils with the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and by working scientifically, pupils will understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Our curriculum is designed to meet the aims and objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Our curriculum map identifies the learning that takes place across each year group. Planned sequences ensure the children build on their prior learning, address misconceptions and have the opportunities to work scientifically to allow them to show their understanding of the knowledge being taught.
Expanding our children’s understanding of scientific vocabulary is a key focus within each new unit. Key words are displayed in the classroom and knowledge organisers are used to reinforce this. Related non-fiction texts are also identified in sequences of learning for teachers to use to support their teaching and provide opportunities for children to practise and develop their reading skills across the curriculum.
Working Scientifically
At St Joseph’s, our curriculum includes a working scientific progression map. This incorporates all five lines of enquiry and these are specifically directed across the curriculum where applicable.
The five lines of enquiry are:
- Classifying
- Pattern Seeking
- Observing over time
- Comparative / Fair Test
- Research
These are displayed in each classroom from EYFS through to Year 6 and are also identified in children’s books.
For each year group, the five lines of enquiry have been broken down for each unit. Within each unit, specific lines of enquiry that are applicable are identified and linked with key objectives within each sequence of learning.
End Points
At the end of each unit, a task is set that allows the children to demonstrate their key knowledge and vocabulary for that unit. This can be in the form of a quiz, a small project, a poster showing what they have learnt. As we move into upper KS2, this can be a more formal piece of writing.
Famous Scientists
Each year, the children learn about the life, work and achievements of a diverse range of famous scientists and how their work relates to their recent learning.
Assessment and Monitoring
Teachers assess children at the end of each unit through end points. These assessments are used to check what children have learnt and remembered to ensure pupils have remembered what we intended them to learn.
End points are evidenced through a range of ways including activities in children’s books, and photos and videos uploaded to Seesaw (KS1/KS2) or Tapestry (EYFS).