Early Years
The teaching of History at St Joseph’s begins in Reception through the Understanding of the World. Based on the requirements of the EYFS framework and guided by Development Matters, children start to develop a sense of past and present, an awareness of time passing and changes occurring, and begin understand key concepts of before, after, past, present and memory.
Curriculum Design and Progression
We aim to ensure pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world by inspiring pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.
Each year, the children will study two units of history. In KS1, unit focus on developing historical skills and awareness of the past. In KS2, units are linked either to World History or British History, tracing the chronological development of early civilisations around the world, which is compared and contrasted with the developing society in Britain. This process culminates in two thematic studies across longer time frames in Y6, one of which focuses on local history and how particular events helped shape the local area.
Clear and well thought out sequences of learning with key assessment tasks ensure that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. Knowledge Organisers provide and illustrate specific key knowledge and vocabulary that we want all children to understand and use fluently.
Trips and Experiences
Experiential learning is integral in securing knowledge and is incorporated into our curriculum by use of artefacts, trips to museums and visits from experts. These include trips, including guided workshops, to Liverpool World Museum, Museum of Liverpool, and Walker Art Gallery, and in school workshops from visiting historians and archaeologists.
We also collaborate with The Ark (Archive Resource for Knowsley) on projects that allow our children to access artefacts, resources and first-hand accounts that enrich their study of local history.
Mastery of Key Concepts
At St Joseph’s, our curriculum is designed to develop our children’s mastery of three key strands. These are:
- Chronological Understanding
- Historical Interpretation
- Historical Enquiry
Key concepts within these strands have been identified to ensure they are revisited, embedded and progressively developed in each year group.
Key Stage 1 |
Key Stage 2 |
End Points
At the end of each unit, a task is set that allows the children to demonstrate their key knowledge and vocabulary for that unit. This can be in the form of a quiz, a small project, a poster showing what they have learnt. As we move into upper KS2, this can be a more formal piece of writing.
Assessment and Monitoring
Teachers assess children at the end of each unit through end points. These assessments are used to check what children have learnt and remembered to ensure pupils have remembered what we intended them to learn.
End points are evidenced through a range of ways including activities in children’s books, and photos and videos uploaded to Seesaw (KS1/KS2) or Tapestry (EYFS).
Assessment data is submitted by the class teacher and monitored by the Subject Leader, who uses this data to ensure teaching is targeted and appropriate for each pupil, class and year group, as well as to feedback on progress to SLT.