Physical Education at St Joseph’s
“Everyone Together With Jesus”
Early Years
The teaching of P.E. at St Joseph’s begins in Reception through provision for Physical Development. Based on the requirements of the EYFS framework and guided by Development Matters, children develop their gross and fine motors skills and hand-eye coordination through movement, dance and games.
Curriculum Design and Progression
Here at St. Joseph’s, our Physical Education curriculum aims to inspire and encourage all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for our children to become physically confident in a way that promotes a lifelong healthy and active lifestyle. By providing opportunities to compete in sport and other physical activities, our children build character which helps to develop and embed values such as fairness and respect, whilst understanding the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
All children receive P.E. sessions delivered by a specialist P.E. teacher each week, which is supplemented by additional led exercise and activity sessions. Lessons follow a progressive sequenced curriculum, supported by PE Passport, which ensures that a range of sports and their associated skills are continually revisited, developed, improved and built up over time. They will be applying fundamental movement skills, increasing their competence, challenge and confidence.
Our curriculum promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills and it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. Thus, we enable the children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.
Clubs, Teams and Competitions
All year groups are afforded opportunities to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular sporting activities, including football, gymnastics, dance, cross-country, cricket, athletics and multi-sports.
As part of Knowsley School Sport Partnership (KPSSA), children from many year groups compete in numerous leagues, competitions and tournaments in a range of sports across the year.
We believe learning to swim with proficiency and confidence is an important life skill and vital for children to be able to keep themselves safe.
Initially, children learn to understand water confidence skills and safety. As they progress, children learn to use a range of strokes effectively to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over varying distance, up to and including 25m. They also learn to understand water safety and symbols around the pool and on beaches and how to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Mastery of Key Concepts
At St Joseph’s, our curriculum is designed to develop our children’s mastery of key strands. These are:
- Net and Wall Games
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Invasion Games
- Striking and Field
- Athletics / Multi-skills
Demonstrating KPSSA Values
These values run across all aspects of Physical Education. We expect all our children to compete with:
- Passion
- Self-belief
- Honesty
- Respect
- Determination
- Teamwork
Assessment and Monitoring
Children’s work in PE is monitored by in the moment assessments, as we observe them working during lessons, using video clips and by tracking data on PE Passport. Pupils are also encouraged to evaluate their own work and to suggest ways in which to improve.